Tapping into The Wisdom of Past Life Regression:

A Spiritual Practice

I want to share a story with you. In 2015, I was listening to Hay House Radio and Dr. Brian Weiss was talking about a training in Past Life Regression (PLR). If you haven’t heard of Dr. Brian Weiss, he has written several books on the topic and has been on Oprah many times. I knew nothing about PLR but something in me said you have to go. Have you ever had one of those crazy ideas that make no sense at the time, but you did it anyway? To make a long story short, I went to that training and was trained and mentored by Dr. Brian Weiss. I had no idea how or what I would use PLR for. But again, the idea of holding workshops came to my mind; and guess what? People flocked to them. I have had the honour over the years of witnessing many miracles in people’s lives. Here are some of the benefits of Past Life Regression:

  • Overcoming sabotaging behaviour and thinking that kept you stuck for years;
  • Healing emotional patterns such as feelings of guilt, need to please; anger, fear, self criticism etc.
  • Releasing vows of poverty and contracts that keep you under-earning and money strapped;
  • Being more open to inner guidance of what the next steps are in life;
  • Revealing hidden gifts and life purpose;
  • Freeing self from anxiety and phobias;
  • Opening-up to love and healthier relationships;
  • Healing or gaining more understanding of chronic pain and illness you are experiencing.

Shaw Cable Interview

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Past Life Regression (PLR)?
PLR is a gentle form of hypnosis that is used to heal and transform entrenched emotional issues, patterns, sabotaging thoughts, and behaviours. PLR takes you back to a past life where there is something important for you to learn and potentially heal from. Sometimes information comes in movie form, like watch a movie, other times it can come in snapshot, or a feeling/knowing. Whether you believe in past lives or not, clients have had major life transformations. Especially if you have done a lot of personal healing work and still feel stuck. Often people find that PLR is a holistic therapy of the mind, body, psyche, and soul and exponentially heal quicker and more effectively than most modalities because we are working on a subconscious level (get your thinking brain out of the way).
Can I get stuck in a past life?
  • This question came up in training because there were some people that were afraid that they might get stuck. The answer is simply no! This process is completely safe. The one thing that can happen is that you feel so good and so relax, you want to say in the relaxed calm space. I remember Dr. Brian Weiss saying that he had a particular client that did not want to wake out of the regression and relaxation state. And once her hour was up, he would say you are more than welcome to stay in the state and I will charge you for another hour. He laughed and said she got up.
  • Regression is experienced in the same way you experience a memory – be it a moment from your childhood or what you ate last night. What you focus on in the particular moment, the images, thoughts, feelings, and the detail will pop into your mind. The same way you cannot get stuck in a memory you cannot get stuck in a past life.
What if I experience something scary?
People are often frightened that they may experience something scary about their past life and it will mess them up even more. Or that maybe they have had upsetting events in their current life and they don’t want to relive anything like that again. Regression is not like going to the movies where the intent is to terrify. Regression is done with the purpose of healing and revealing what will serve you for the higher good. Some people do feel emotions, yet it is more cathartic and healing. Also, if anything is scary or uncomfortable you always have the power to either open your eyes, stay in the regression and feel it, or rise above the experience still receiving all the messages and information you need.
Will I be hypnotized?

Sometimes people are scared that when they are hypnotized they will be controlled in some way. You may have seen the entertainment hypnotist where they have audience members do outrageous things. This is known as an unspoken contract. The hypnotic commands are to be taken and obeyed and the audience member will follow. In this PLR process, you will remain completely in control. This type of hypnotherapy is like going to a movie and being so focused and engrossed that you don’t notice the person eating the popcorn beside you or people coming and going out of the theatre. Like a movie, hypnosis is putting your focus onto something.

What I am seeing is it imagined or fantasy?
People often wonder if what they are seeing is imagined or fantasy. The conscious mind takes over and questions whether they have seen this on a movie or read it in a book. The best thing you can do is go with that imagination and fantasy because that often is the thread that links you to your past life.
What will happen during my regression?

Group regression is a bit different than individual regressions. In individual sessions we would be having a conversation, explore information in more depth. In group I will be guiding you back to a past life experience (and a chance for healing experience) and ask general question to the group. You will explore those in the depth of your mind.

What will I experience?

Everyone will experience Past Life Regression differently. Even if you experience more than one life time, your experience of it may vary. Some people experience their past life as:

  • Visual. You see it as an observer or like you are experiencing the past life first hand.
  • You might get a sense of what it is and see nothing.
  • You might see your Past Life as a movie.
  • Vignette. You might experience your past life as small snapshots.
  • Just a knowing and not see anything.
  • You might feel clothing on your body but don’t see it anything.
  • You may only see colours.
What if I get nothing or very little?
Whether you think it is imagination or fantasy just trust whatever you see, feel, or know.  Imagination is the thread that links you to your past life. Information is being downloaded to you and you will get what you need. The universe is giving what you need today. This is your higher self connecting to you and whether you experience a little or a lot you are still benefiting from the information being downloaded. I have known people that have shared that is wasn’t until months later, that they understood their Past Life experience.
For more information about ongoing classes, retreats, or individual sessions, please contact Paula at 250-585-5515 or email at paulajohnson@telus.net.

Training with Dr. Brian Weiss at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY.


“Since my first workshop 2 years, I no longer have to worry about finances. My abundant financial situation has provided me with opportunities I used to only dream of. I now have more time to volunteer and I just put an offer on a Lake cabin!”

Carly C

“Past life regression has helped me to find my way back to me. To embrace my soul and step into my power without feeling fearful or guilty.”
Carrie B

“It helped guide us through the challenges we may face during this lifetime by learning lessons from the past.”
Shawn W

“PLR has helped me to trust myself. I have let go of fears that I held onto which prevented me from moving forward.”
Anna B

“[PLR] … improved the significant relationships in my life. I feel more connected to myself and others.”
Nika S

Listen to her experience NOW!